Devoted to Prayer: Doors
The new year is in full swing and each classroom has new students walking through its doors. Read on as Mr. Van Schepen reflects on the connection between these classroom doors and our chapel theme this year, "Devoted to Prayer."
When I transitioned from full-time teaching 3 years ago to part-time teaching/part-time tech coordinator, I was handed the unique opportunity to walk through the doorway into each of our classrooms on a regular basis. Typically it was to troubleshoot a technology issue that reared its ugly head once again, but this year I’ve been able to pop into classrooms when there aren’t major technical issues going on wearing my new hat as assistant principal.
When I first walk into a classroom, I notice the door. Doors act as a barrier between the inside and the outside. They are a gateway to a new place. Some doors are always open, while others are always closed. Some doors set expectations, other doors ask questions, and yet others celebrate events.
All of our doors also have windows, and while windows will give you a glimpse of what’s happening on the inside, they still act as a barrier between where you are and where you want to be, that place of learning on the inside.
In John 10:9, Jesus says “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.” As we focus on prayer this year, we need to remember that prayer, through Jesus Christ, is the gateway to our LORD. It is the door that allows for continued conversation with our Creator. It is what connects us with our Maker.
As our students learn about what prayer means to them and how we can use prayer in many different ways, we invite you to walk through our doors to see what is happening in the lives of our students.
Matt Van Schepen
Tech Coordinator
Assistant Principal
8th Grade Science
"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." Colossians 4:2

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